Thursday, October 24, 2013

Best Way To Raise Verbal Scores on SAT

Average scores on the nation's most widely used college entrance exams barely budged this year, raising new concerns that high school graduates will be unprepared to compete in a global marketplace.

The College Board says just 43% of SAT takers in the high school class of 2013 earned a score that indicates they will succeed in the first year of college. That percentage has remained virtually unchanged for at least five years. 

Part of the problem on the Verbal side is the fact that kids today do much of their reading for pleasure on computer screens. Nothing beats taking a book out from the library -- on a regular basis. Best are well written non-fiction and literary fiction. Worst are books that are poorly written and read from a sense of obligation, such as when a well-meaning relative gives a gift. 

So let's get reading, early and often, which will raise those Critical Reading and Writing scores, and school grades at the same time. For more information, please go to